ž  YNAP Inc. is a newly-founded professional organization for young Filipino nurses by young Filipino nurses themselves.
ž  YNAP is composed of dynamic, active and dedicated youthful nurses who desire a pro-active change in their nursing professional growth.


YNAP envisions itself as the forefront premiere professional nursing organization in the Philippines committed to providing career opportunities and professional growth and development of world-class young Filipino nurses worldwide.

With this vision, YNAP shall uphold its mission to:
¡  Provide strategic directions, programs and projects that enhance the competencies of a nurse who has been newly-registered, newly-practicing or has been practicing for a time to be globally competitive.
¡  Assist all young nurses in their pursuit for decent employment, ensuring that young nurses are practicing moral and decent jobs.
¡  Discover potential talents, skills and the like of young Filipino nurses and provide avenue for such to be showcased properly.
¡  Strengthen the internal capacities and capabilities for better quality health care services provided by young Filipino nurses.
¡  Explore further possibilities of collaboration with other nursing organizations locally and internationally.


YNAP believes in the core concepts to LEAD:


ž  Generate programs and activities that would prepare Filipino young nurses to be globally competitive;
ž  Promote the socio-economic-political welfare of young nurses;
ž  Establish national and international networking and linkages to advance the vision of YNAP;
ž  Intensify membership campaign and retention;
ž  Participate  actively in the multi-sectoral plans, projects and programs in support of education and research on nursing practice and quality health care delivery; and
ž  Promote the professional image of the Filipino young nurses and nursing profession.


ž  Young Nurses Discount Network – this program is the first of its kind in the Philippines and in all of the nursing organizations in the country. This program will provide nurses and student nurses, members of the YNAP & PSNA, to enjoy discounts and promotions from partner shops and establishments in the country.

ž  Mobile Nurses Stations – an alternative program to promote primary health care in the Philippines. The Mobile Nurses Stations are customized “stations” placed in majorly in malls where a nurse is placed and does basic nursing skills such as blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, blood typing, pregnancy testing, health teachings and consultations. These “stations” will stay in the host establishment for a specified time and a trained nurse will be assigned to perform basic nursing skills. Nurses assigned to these “stations” are those unemployed nurses.

ž  YNAP go.gRN Merchandise – this is the specialty merchandise arm of the organization where it produces materials such as statement shirts, button pins, mugs, sling bags, ID laces and other novelty items being sold to members and supporters to help finance the unemployed nurses. Nurses who helped in managing and marketing the merchandise shall be given honoraria to alleviate effects of unemployment

ž  The Lamp Awards – the annual national search for outstanding young nurses who have been active in helping shape a better Philippines by becoming an agent of change in his area of interest; academe, nursing service, community health, nursing management, research, entrepreneurship, and other related fields. This also awards the Ten Outstanding Young Nurses of the Philippines following the above mentioned categories. The Lamp Awards also recognizes the efforts of institutions, organizations and other important entities that helped in the uplifting of the nursing profession and the welfare of the nurses and the health care professionals in general. Outstanding student nurses in the country are also awarded during this event.

ž  YNAP YBASE – YBASE stands for “Youth’s Best Access to Services and Education” and is a long-term program of YNAP. The YBASE is a facility that houses the YNAP’s Research & Technology Center for young nurses and student nurses; Youth Activity Areas such as auditorium, internet access area,  study hall, prayer room, recreation centers and others; Nurses’ Dormitory to house young nurses who are from provinces; and the National Headquarters of the organization as well. The YBASE is open to all youth and shall be maintained by YNAP.